Mar 28
Newport, RI (On-Site/Office)
• Experience demonstrating knowledge of the twelve Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements (Design Influence, Integrated Product Support Planning, Product Support & Sustainment, Supportability Analysis, Reliability and Maintainability Analysis, Configuration Management, and Technical/Product Data Management) and the 2021 interim policy memo for Information Technology System Continuous Support.
• Knowledgeable of system cost, schedule, performance, life cycle management and supportability requirements IAW DoD Directive 5000.01 and DoD Instruction 5000.91.
• Ability to develop effective and affordable product support strategies throughout the life cycle for weapons, materiel, or information systems, as addressed in the DoD 5000 series.
• Ability to develop and implement outcome-based product support strategies that optimize system readiness & life cycle cost affordability.
• Knowledgeable of the 12 Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements to optimize system suitability, affordability, reliability, availability, maintainability, and operational effectiveness throughout the system life cycle.
• Ability to evaluate life-cycle sustainment strategies to determine if they meet warfighter product support requirements.
• Understanding of the logistics products, services and technology through the 12 IPS Elements to sustain system operational readiness.
• Ability to develop and document a product support strategy, including Business Case Analysis (as appropriate), in a Life Cycle Sustainment Plan which describes efforts to ensure a system’s design and develop an integrated product support package to achieving life cycle sustainment outcome metrics.
Principal duties:
• Develop and implement a comprehensive product support strategy
• Use appropriate predictive analysis and modeling tools that can improve material availability and reliability, increase operational availability rates, and reduce operation and sustainment cost;
• Conduct appropriate cost analyses to validate the product support strategy, including cost-benefit analyses. as outlined in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-94;
• Recommend performance requirements and resource allocations across product support integrators and product support providers as necessary to optimize implementation of the product support strategy;
• Evaluate product support arrangements between the product support integrators and product support providers to determine if the arrangements are consistent with the product support strategy;
• Revalidate existing business-case analysis performed in support of a product support strategy;
• Evaluate a product support strategy to determine the extent to which if includes small business participation;
• Review product support arrangements for a description of how such arrangements will ensure efficient procurement, management, and allocation of Government-owned parts inventories in order to prevent
unnecessary procurements of such parts; and
• Identify obsolete parts that are included in the specifications of the system being acquired and determine suitable replacements for such parts.
• Experience demonstrating knowledge of the twelve Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements (Design Influence, Integrated Product Support Planning, Product Support & Sustainment, Supportability Analysis, Reliability and Maintainability Analysis, Configuration Management, and Technical/Product Data Management) and the 2021 interim policy memo for Information Technology System Continuous Support.
• Knowledgeable of system cost, schedule, performance, life cycle management and supportability requirements IAW DoD Directive 5000.01 and DoD Instruction 5000.91.
• Ability to develop effective and affordable product support strategies throughout the life cycle for weapons, materiel, or information systems, as addressed in the DoD 5000 series.
• Ability to develop and implement outcome-based product support strategies that optimize system readiness & life cycle cost affordability.
• Knowledgeable of the 12 Integrated Product Support (IPS) Elements to optimize system suitability, affordability, reliability, availability, maintainability, and operational effectiveness throughout the system life cycle.
• Ability to evaluate life-cycle sustainment strategies to determine if they meet warfighter product support requirements.
• Understanding of the logistics products, services and technology through the 12 IPS Elements to sustain system operational readiness.
• Ability to develop and document a product support strategy, including Business Case Analysis (as appropriate), in a Life Cycle Sustainment Plan which describes efforts to ensure a system’s design and develop an integrated product support package to achieving life cycle sustainment outcome metrics.
Principal duties:
• Develop and implement a comprehensive product support strategy
• Use appropriate predictive analysis and modeling tools that can improve material availability and reliability, increase operational availability rates, and reduce operation and sustainment cost;
• Conduct appropriate cost analyses to validate the product support strategy, including cost-benefit analyses. as outlined in Office of Management and Budget Circular A-94;
• Recommend performance requirements and resource allocations across product support integrators and product support providers as necessary to optimize implementation of the product support strategy;
• Evaluate product support arrangements between the product support integrators and product support providers to determine if the arrangements are consistent with the product support strategy;
• Revalidate existing business-case analysis performed in support of a product support strategy;
• Evaluate a product support strategy to determine the extent to which if includes small business participation;
• Review product support arrangements for a description of how such arrangements will ensure efficient procurement, management, and allocation of Government-owned parts inventories in order to prevent
unnecessary procurements of such parts; and
• Identify obsolete parts that are included in the specifications of the system being acquired and determine suitable replacements for such parts.
group id: 10126936