Remote/Hybrid• (Off-Site/Hybrid)
Job Title: Africom Public Affairs Analyst Part-time
Location: Telework
Salary Range: $30,000 - $32,000
Job Description:
Mission Essential is seeking a dynamic candidate to support our AFIRCOM Public Affairs task order. The contractor would provide routine media monitoring and assessment reports across print, online news, TV and radio broadcast media, and social media, as well as long-term trend analysis reports on key issues defined by the command. The contractor will monitor international media with emphasis on influential outlets in Africa, in major U.S. and European news markets, as well as U.S. and international defense outlets. These products shall be provided in English and drawn from open-source channels, news media reporting across a variety of platforms and mediums and will include foreign-language media coverage and translations and such additional research and analysis as necessary.
Tasks :
Daily Media Clips . Produce a daily media clips report in English, which will include an executive summary and the full text of no more than twenty-five (25) online news, print, TV or radio stories. Those stories will include up to five (5) leading U.S. military and defense stories, and no more than twenty (20) leading stories pertaining to the U.S. Africa Command mission, or defense, diplomatic and development issues across Africa. The contractor will monitor all top-tier media with U.S. and international reach, influential outlets in Africa and Europe, as well as U.S. and international defense outlets.
Special Topic Media and Social Media Assessment Reports . Produce up to twenty (20) special topic media and social media assessment reports - two (2) crisis and eighteen (18) special topics expected within the contract period of performance. Sample special topics could include the assessment of an event; a USAFRICOM exercise; how African media covers a USAFRICOM-related equity; coverage including comments about USAFRICOM-related equities from U.S. elected officials; and other similar topics. The report will include an executive summary that addresses how the special topic is represented in online news, print, and TV and radio broadcast media, as well as across social media platforms during a specified time period. Reports shall include dominant themes reflected in coverage, key concerns included in coverage, audiences and stakeholders of primary concern, and any additional information that may assist J035 in shaping and responding in a timely and decisive manner.
Education and Experience:
3 years' experience or a bachelor's degree in journalism, media, public relations, marketing, mass communication, or similar field.
Secret Clearance preferred #CJ
Job Title: Africom Public Affairs Analyst Part-time
Location: Telework
Salary Range: $30,000 - $32,000
Job Description:
Mission Essential is seeking a dynamic candidate to support our AFIRCOM Public Affairs task order. The contractor would provide routine media monitoring and assessment reports across print, online news, TV and radio broadcast media, and social media, as well as long-term trend analysis reports on key issues defined by the command. The contractor will monitor international media with emphasis on influential outlets in Africa, in major U.S. and European news markets, as well as U.S. and international defense outlets. These products shall be provided in English and drawn from open-source channels, news media reporting across a variety of platforms and mediums and will include foreign-language media coverage and translations and such additional research and analysis as necessary.
Tasks :
Daily Media Clips . Produce a daily media clips report in English, which will include an executive summary and the full text of no more than twenty-five (25) online news, print, TV or radio stories. Those stories will include up to five (5) leading U.S. military and defense stories, and no more than twenty (20) leading stories pertaining to the U.S. Africa Command mission, or defense, diplomatic and development issues across Africa. The contractor will monitor all top-tier media with U.S. and international reach, influential outlets in Africa and Europe, as well as U.S. and international defense outlets.
- Deliver the daily news product in English, inclusive of relevant content as recent as 0500 CET, by 0600 CET Monday through Friday except on U.S. holidays.
- Utilize use search terms provided and approved by the customer.
- Deliver the monthly media and social media assessment report by 0800 CET on the 5th of each month or the next closest business day if the 5th falls on a weekend or holiday.
Special Topic Media and Social Media Assessment Reports . Produce up to twenty (20) special topic media and social media assessment reports - two (2) crisis and eighteen (18) special topics expected within the contract period of performance. Sample special topics could include the assessment of an event; a USAFRICOM exercise; how African media covers a USAFRICOM-related equity; coverage including comments about USAFRICOM-related equities from U.S. elected officials; and other similar topics. The report will include an executive summary that addresses how the special topic is represented in online news, print, and TV and radio broadcast media, as well as across social media platforms during a specified time period. Reports shall include dominant themes reflected in coverage, key concerns included in coverage, audiences and stakeholders of primary concern, and any additional information that may assist J035 in shaping and responding in a timely and decisive manner.
- Deliver crisis reports within twenty-four (24) hours of J035 notifying the crisis to the contractor and then through the duration of the crisis at intervals coordinated with the customer. The contractor shall have at least five (5) days to assemble all other special reports.
Education and Experience:
3 years' experience or a bachelor's degree in journalism, media, public relations, marketing, mass communication, or similar field.
Secret Clearance preferred #CJ
group id: 10309996