Dept of Homeland Security
Richmond, VA (On-Site/Office)
Duration:- 6 Months+
- Establishes and manages the Virginia "EMS Scope of Practice for EMS Providers" per Virginia Administrative Code
- Serves as resource for changes in the Scope of Practice by providing evidence-based input and information on best practices
- Medical Director for all OEMS staff who hold EMS certification, providing for re-certification with National Registry of EMT's
- Serves as a temporary or "back-up" EMS agency Medical Director in cases where an EMS agency Medical Director is unavailable or unable to serve until a permanent replacement can be secured
- Promote and assist in recruitment and retention of physicians to serve as Operational Medical Directors or Physician Course Directors
- Represents the Virginia Office of EMS at the state EMS Advisory Board and all related committee meetings
- Provides annual continuing education for OEMS endorsed Medical Directors as required by Virginia Administrative Code ( 8 workshops per year )
- Serves as course coordinator/director and as presenter
- Represents the Virginia Office of EMS with the National Association of EMS Physicians (NAEMSP) as Virginia State Medical Director
- Represents the Virginia Office of EMS with the National Association of State EMS Officials (NASEMSO) as Virginia State Medical Director
- Served as Chair of the NASEMSO Medical Directors Council (2019-2022)
- Represents the Virginia Office of EMS with Department of Homeland Security -U.S. Fire Administration in partnership with the Client - Office of Health Affairs developing the national Handbook for EMS Physician Medical Directors
- Represents the Virginia Office of EMS with the Medical Society of Virginia (MSV)
- Aids Regulation, Compliance & Enforcement Division with ongoing investigations that involve a clinical complaint component and or EMS agency Medical Director
- Investigations that involve a clinical care component to the complaint
- Guidance to EMS agency level Medical Director regarding investigations
- Revocation process of EMS providers/agency OEMS credentials regarding being a danger to public
- Directly involved with return to practice pathway for the impaired provider process
- Determines eligibility for EMS Physician endorsement based on regulatory compliance with Virginia Administrative Code
- Direct involvement with enforcement action taken against EMS Physicians
- Creates and manages initial online EMS Medical Director Course for new OMD's as required by Virginia Administrative Code
- Provides subject matter expert testimony on behalf of the OEMS during appeal processes per the Virginia Administrative Processes Act
- Meets at least quarterly with the Division Director and EMS Program Representatives to discuss the management of compliance cases with clinical implications
- Serves as a resource and consultant to the Division of Accreditation, Certification, and Education (ACE)
- Reviews and approves clinical testing scenarios for EMS provider certification
- Serve as Physician Course Director for certification and continuing education classes provided by OEMS employees or contractors, and for distributive learning approved for the state
- Ensure appropriateness of training and certification of EMS providers, endorsement of EMS physicians, and review EMS education standards
- Serves as a technical resource and consultant for the Medical Direction Committee and its members, and for agency EMS Medical Directors in a wide variety of situations including agency management, patient care guideline development, and EMS provider management
- Promote, identify priorities and participate in EMS systems research and serve as a clinical consultant for the OEMS Epidemiology group
- Provides support and consultation for the Trauma and Critical Care Division
- Serves as a OEMS and EM reviewer for trauma center designation reviews
- Serves as a consultant and writer for the drafting of required documents such as the State Stroke Triage Plan (Code of Virginia § 32.1-111.3)
- From Emergency Operations
- Course approval for CEs
- Guidance and interaction related to the Emergency Medical Dispatch (EMD) implementation and requirements
- Insight and interactions related to EMS guidance for emergency infectious diseases
- Serves as a technical resource when EMS agencies are deploying into Virginia from other states and out of Virginia to other states
group id: 10216532